Dear Madam/Sir,

How are you? I hope your doing well in this sunny day.

My name is Joey, I’ve been working for a company called MyBlogPosters that specializes in creating content for blogs, websites, and other social media platforms to increase traffic. We can create anything from copies to graphics to videos.

MyBlogPosters is a content creation company that is focused on helping small businesses grow by creating quality blog posts to attract and engage their audience.

A recent study indicated that companies that provide regular blog content receive 97% more links to their website.

If you want to learn more about our services, go to www.myblogposters.com and check out different pricing option. Special 10% discount if you purchase, just use coupon code: APP10

Looking forward to work with you soon!


Joey Newman
[email protected]

Content Creator



1. If you are looking for a professional blog writing service, jump straight to it here www.myblogposters.com click pricing and see the different options that suits to your business needs.

2. If you are interested please either www.myblogposters.com or reply with the number 2 in the message subject and we we will get back to you.

3. If you are interested, but not yet, please reply to this message with the number 3 in the subject line, and we will contact you again in three months.

4. Finally, if you are not interested, please either click this link to opt out www.tiny1.co/unsub, or reply to this message with the number 4 in the subject line.

Have a great day!
