You want a winning edge, and Impact Evaluator is here to give it you – both saving you countless hours and improving your decision-making process.
Impact Evaluator was created to vastly and uniquely improve the evaluation process for the basketball community using innovative methodologies and strategies.
Impact Evaluator has become the pre-eminent platform for basketball evaluation.
We have evaluation tools for all members of the basketball community. These tools integrate with your daily role by providing you with the exact information you need in the most digestible form.
To find the solution that best fits your needs, click here:
Why Impact Evalautor Wins…
Market Beating ROI
Alongside innovative evaluations of players and proprietary information on team performance, Impact Evaluator offers an investment opportunity with attractive market-beating returns.
Our model’s had a 15%+ ROI and a 30% ROI on our “High Impact Bets” for the 2021 and 2022 NCAA Tournaments.
Compare that with the stocks 12% returns, commercial real estate’s 8%, bonds and gold at 6.5%, or the small return on CD’s and savings accounts.
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“Used the model projections during March Madness and they were spot-on!” – Jake W. NYC
“Love using the different tools to evaluate matchups for each bet” – Rob S. Chicago
“ShotQ is great! Love seeing who takes better quality shots!” – Peter S. NY